Terms of Service

Domestic Shipping

Delivery times

We work to deliver your order as soon as possible and with 24/72 working hours on the Peninsula. Even so, launch periods, promotions or Black Friday, Cyber ​​Monday and Christmas campaigns are excluded, when these deadlines are not guaranteed.

If you place your order on a working day before 2pm, you will receive your order within the next 24/72 hours, otherwise the delivery time will be extended by one more day. On weekends or holidays, deliveries are processed on the next working day.

If your order is for a product that is not currently available on our website, the date on which it will be available will be specified on the product purchase page. The delivery period will start from the date on which the product is available again.

In the case of orders containing several products, and one of them has a future availability date, the entire order will be delivered from the date on which all the products are available.

Absent at my home on the day of delivery

A first delivery will be made to the indicated delivery address and if you are absent at the time of delivery, the courier will try to leave a note in the mailbox. It is not always possible to leave a note, as sometimes the courier cannot access the entrance or the housing complex. After this first delivery attempt, the branch that delivers to your area will try to contact you to arrange a second delivery. If you are also absent during the second delivery, the order will remain at the branch in your area so that you can pick it up at the agency. If for some reason they have not been able to contact you to arrange delivery, you can write to us at love@goaorganics.es so that we can provide you with contact information or help in any way necessary.

Tracking my shipment

You can track your shipment using the link in the email confirming the shipment of your order. If you prefer, you can track it using a tool that you will find in the SMS sent to you by the logistics company.

The delivery address is incorrect

We recommend that you check the address provided when placing your order to ensure that the information is correct and complete, as it is not possible to change the address once the shipment has been made without generating an additional shipping cost. If you detect any incorrect information, please contact us as soon as possible at love@goaorganics.es.


Non-working days at our logistics centre for the year 2024. Orders are not prepared on these days, therefore orders will be delayed to the next working day. We apologize for the inconvenience:

Saturdays and Sundays

January: days 1 and 6
March: day 29

April: day 1
May: days 1 and 20
June: day 24
August: day 15
September: 11th and 24th
October: day 12
December: days 6, 25 and 26

International Shipping

Delivery times

We work to deliver your order as soon as possible and with deliveries of 3/4 working days. However, launch periods, promotions or Black Friday, Cyber ​​Monday and Christmas campaigns are excluded, when these deadlines are not guaranteed.

If you place your order on a working day before 2pm, you will receive your order within the next 3/4 days, otherwise the delivery time will be extended by one more day. On weekends or public holidays, deliveries are processed on the next working day.

Absent at my home on the day of delivery

A first delivery will be made to the indicated delivery address and if you are absent at the time of delivery, the courier will try to leave a note in the mailbox. It is not always possible to leave a note, as sometimes the courier cannot access the entrance or the housing complex. After this first delivery attempt, the branch that delivers to your area will try to contact you to arrange a second delivery. If you are also absent during the second delivery, the order will remain at the branch in your area so that you can pick it up at the agency. If for some reason they have not been able to contact you to arrange delivery, you can write to us at love@goaorganics.es so that we can provide you with contact information or help in any way necessary.

Tracking my shipment

You can track your shipment using the link in the email confirming the shipment of your order. If you prefer, you can track it using a tool that you will find in the SMS sent to you by the logistics company.

The delivery address is incorrect

We recommend that you check the address provided when placing your order to ensure that the information is correct and complete, as it is not possible to change the address once the shipment has been made without generating an additional shipping cost. If you detect any incorrect information, please contact us as soon as possible at love@goaorganics.es.


Non-working days at our logistics centre for the year 2022. Orders are not prepared on these days, therefore orders are delayed to the next working day. We apologize for the inconvenience:

Saturdays and Sundays

January: days 1 and 6
April: days 2 and 5
May: days 1 and 24
June: day 24
August: day 15
September: 11th and 24th
October: day 12
December: 8th, 25th and 26th

Shipping Policy
This contractual document will govern the purchase of products and contracting of services through the website goaorganics.es, owned by BONDIE SOLUTIONS, SL, hereinafter the PROVIDER, which offers the sale of hair products.

Acceptance of this document implies that the USER: – Has read, understands and comprehends what is stated herein.
– A person with sufficient capacity to enter into contracts.
– Assume all obligations set forth herein.

These conditions will have an indefinite period of validity and will be applicable to all contracts made through the PROVIDER's website.

The PROVIDER informs that the business is responsible and aware of the current legislation of the countries to which it sends the products and reserves the right to unilaterally modify the conditions, without this affecting the goods or promotions that were acquired prior to the modification.


On the one hand, the provider of the products purchased or services contracted by the USER is BONDIE SOLUTIONS, SL, with registered office at C/ Roger de Llúria, 82 – 08009 Barcelona (Barcelona), NIF B02769297 and customer service telephone number: 672 48 22 40.

And on the other hand, the USER, registered on the website using a username and password, for which he/she has full responsibility for use and custody, and is responsible for the veracity of the personal data provided to the PROVIDER.


The purpose of this contract is to regulate the contractual relationship of sale between the PROVIDER and the USER at the time when the latter accepts the corresponding box during the online contracting process.

The contractual relationship of sale involves the delivery, in exchange for a price determined and publicly displayed through the website, of a specific product or service.

The language in which contracts will be made through this website is Spanish.


In order to access the services or products offered by the PROVIDER, the USER must register through the website by creating a user account. Therefore, the USER must freely and voluntarily provide the personal data that will be requested, which will be treated in accordance with the provisions of current regulations on the protection of personal data, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 (GDPR) and LOPDGDD 3/2018 of December 5 regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data and detailed in the Legal Notice and Privacy Policy of this website.

The USER will select a username and password, agreeing to use them diligently and not to make them available to third parties, as well as to notify the PROVIDER of their loss or theft or of possible access by an unauthorized third party, so that the PROVIDER may proceed to block them immediately.

The PROVIDER informs that during the process of purchasing or contracting services, the user will have to identify himself with the username and password. The user will have access to his orders, invoices, order tracking, as well as the modification of data. These passwords will be used to access the services provided through the Website.

The PROVIDER provides Users with technical means to identify and correct errors in the introduction of data in the forms. In the shopping cart and forms in general, the correct format of the data will be automatically validated and the user will be given the option to correct it.

Once the user account has been created, please be advised that in accordance with the requirements of Article 27 of Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), the contracting procedure will follow the following steps:

1. General contracting clauses.
2. Sending orders
3. Claims.
4. Force majeure.
5. Competition.
6. General information about the offer.
7. Price and validity period of the offer.
8. Transportation costs.
9. Payment method, charges and discounts.
10. Purchase process.
11. Applicable guarantees.
12. Warranties and returns.
13. Applicable law and jurisdiction.

14. Right of withdrawal


Unless otherwise stipulated in writing, placing an order with the PROVIDER shall constitute acceptance by the USER of these legal conditions. No stipulation made by the USER may differ from those of the PROVIDER unless it has been expressly accepted in advance and in writing by the PROVIDER.

To place an order, you must follow the online purchasing procedure and click on the acceptance of the GENERAL PURCHASE CONDITIONS AND IN THE “ORDER WITH PAYMENT OBLIGATION” SECTION.


The PROVIDER will not send any order until it has verified that payment has been made.
Merchandise shipments will usually be made by EXPRESS MESSENGER, according to the destination freely designated by the USER.
Delivery dates or deadlines shall be deemed approximate, and delay shall not constitute a fundamental breach. In the event that the PROVIDER has not delivered the goods after 30 days from the agreed delivery date, the customer shall be entitled to cancel the order and receive a refund of the total amount paid at no cost, and without any liability for damages attributable to the PROVIDER.

Delivery times are usually between 2 and 5 working days, depending on the destination and the chosen payment method. This term is understood as provided that the availability of the goods has been confirmed and full payment of the order has been verified.

The PROVIDER will not assume any responsibility when the delivery of the product or service does not take place, due to the data provided by the USER being false, inaccurate or incomplete.

Delivery will be considered to have been made when the carrier has made the products available to the USER and the latter, or his/her delegate, has signed the delivery receipt document.

It is the USER's responsibility to verify the products upon receipt and to state any reservations and claims that may be justified in the delivery receipt document.

In the event that the contract does not involve the physical delivery of any product, these being directly downloaded from the website, the PROVIDER will inform the USER in advance regarding the procedure to be followed to carry out this download.


Any claim that the USER considers appropriate will be attended to as soon as possible and can be made at the following contact addresses:

Postal: BONDIE SOLUTIONS, SL, C/ Roger de Llúria, 82 – 08009 Barcelona (Barcelona) Telephone: 672 48 22 40
Email: love@goaorganics.es

Online Dispute Resolution Pursuant to Art. 14.1 of Regulation (EU) 524/2013, the European Commission provides a free-access platform for the online resolution of disputes between the USER and the PROVIDER, without having to resort to the courts, through the intervention of a third party, called the Dispute Resolution Body, which acts as an intermediary between the two parties. This body is neutral and will engage with both parties to reach an agreement, and may ultimately suggest and/or impose a solution to the conflict.

Link to the ODR platform: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/


The parties shall not be liable for any failure due to force majeure. Fulfillment of the obligation shall be delayed until the cessation of the event of force majeure.


The USER may not assign, transfer or transmit the rights, responsibilities and obligations contracted in the sale.

If any provision of these conditions is deemed void or unenforceable, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remainder shall not be affected in any way, nor shall they be modified in any way.

The USER declares to have read, know and accept these General Conditions in their entirety.


All sales and deliveries made by the PROVIDER shall be deemed to be subject to these General Conditions.

No modification, alteration or agreement contrary to the Commercial Proposal of BONDIE SOLUTIONS, SL or stipulated herein will have any effect, unless expressly agreed in writing signed by the PROVIDER, in which case, these particular agreements will prevail.

Given the continuous technical advances and product improvements, the PROVIDER reserves the right to modify its specifications with respect to the information provided in its advertising, until the value of the products offered is affected. These modifications will also be valid in the event that, for any reason, the possibility of supplying the products offered is affected.


The prices indicated for each product include Value Added Tax (VAT) or other taxes that may be applicable. These prices, unless expressly stated otherwise, do not include shipping, handling, packaging, shipping insurance or any other additional services attached to the product or service purchased.

The prices applicable to each product are those published on the website and will be expressed in EURO currency. The USER assumes that the economic value of some of the products may vary in real time.

Before making a purchase, you can check all the details of your quote online: items, quantities, price, availability, shipping costs, fees, discounts, taxes and the total purchase price. Prices may change daily until the order is placed.

Any payment made to the PROVIDER entails the issuance of an invoice in the name of the registered USER or the company name provided at the time of placing the order. This invoice will be sent together with the purchased product, as well as in PDF format to the email address provided by the USER.

For any information about the order, the USER may contact the SUPPLIER's customer service phone number 672 48 22 40 or via email at hello@goaorganics.es


Prices do not include shipping or communication costs, installation or additional services, unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing.

Shipping costs will be calculated when saving the basket or quote, as they are calculated by the weight of the products and the delivery address.

The maximum transportation rate applied is as follows:



Spain (Peninsula)


In the event of any exchange or return of any purchase made on the dates indicated, the customer must pay €7.95 for the costs of the first shipment, as well as the return shipping costs. The products to be returned must be in the same condition as they were received, unopened and with the original packaging and box.


The PROVIDER enables the following methods to make payment for an order:

• Credit card: no discounts or charges will be applied.


Basket (budget simulation)

Any product from our catalogue can be added to the basket. In the basket, only the items, quantity, price and total amount will be displayed. Once the basket is saved, taxes, charges and discounts will be calculated according to the payment and shipping information entered.

The baskets have no administrative link, they are just a section where you can simulate a budget without any commitment on either side.

From the basket you can place an order by following the steps below for its correct formalization:

1. – Checking billing data.

2. – Verification of the shipping address.
3. – Selecting the payment method.

4. – Acceptance of the Legal Conditions 5. – Select the “Pay Now” box

Once the order has been processed, the system instantly sends an email to the PROVIDER's management department.

Orders (purchase requests)

If you place your order on a working day before 2pm, an email will be sent to the USER confirming the order. Otherwise, the delivery time will be extended by one more day. On weekends or holidays, shipments are processed on the following working day.


All products offered through the website are completely original, unless otherwise stated in their description. All have a two-year warranty period, in accordance with the criteria and conditions described in Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, approving the revised text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws.


In the event of any exchange or return of any purchase made on the dates indicated, the customer must pay €7.95 for the costs of the first shipment, as well as the return shipping costs. The products to be returned must be in the same condition as they were received, unopened and with the original packaging and box.

The guarantee of the products offered will respond to the following articles based on Law 23/2003 of July 10 on Guarantees for the sale of consumer goods:

I) Conformity of the products with the contract

1. Unless proven otherwise, the products shall be deemed to be in compliance with the contract provided that they meet all the requirements set out below, unless due to the circumstances of the case any of them are not applicable:

a) They conform to the description made by BONDIE SOLUTIONS, SL

b) They are suitable for the uses to which products of the same type are normally intended.

c) They are suitable for any special use required by the client when this has been made known to BONDIE SOLUTIONS, SL at the time of entering into the contract, provided that the latter has accepted that the product is suitable for this use.

d) Present the usual quality and performance of a product of the same type that the client can reasonably expect, taking into account the nature of the product and, where applicable, the descriptions of the specific characteristics of the products made by BONDIE SOLUTIONS, SL

e) BONDIE SOLUTIONS, SL describes the details, technical characteristics and photographs of the products provided by the manufacturer thereof, so it is not bound by these public statements.

2. The lack of conformity resulting from incorrect installation of the product will be equivalent to the lack of conformity of the product itself when the installation is included in the sales contract and has been carried out by BONDIE SOLUTIONS, SL or under its responsibility, or by the USER when the defective installation is due to an error in the installation instructions.

3. There will be no liability for any lack of conformity that the USER is aware of or could not have ignored at the time of entering into the contract or that originates from materials supplied by the USER.

II) Responsibility of the PROVIDER

BONDIE SOLUTIONS, SL shall be liable to the USER for any lack of conformity that exists at the time of delivery of the product. BONDIE SOLUTIONS, SL grants the USER the right to repair the product if it is defective at the time of delivery, to replace it, to reduce the price and to terminate the contract.

III) Repair and replacement of products

1. If the product does not comply with the contract, the USER may choose between demanding repair or replacement of the same, unless one of these options is impossible or disproportionate. From the moment the USER informs BONDIE SOLUTIONS, SL of the chosen option, both parties must comply. This decision of the USER is understood without prejudice to the provisions of article IV below for cases in which repair or replacement fail to bring the product into compliance with the contract.

2. Any form of remedy that imposes costs on BONDIE SOLUTIONS, SL that are not reasonable in comparison with the other form of remedy will be considered disproportionate, taking into account the value that the product would have if there were no lack of conformity, the relevance of the lack of conformity and whether the alternative form of remedy could be carried out without major inconvenience to the USER.

IV) Rules for repair or replacement of the product in case of defective delivery.

Repair and replacement shall be subject to the following rules:

a) They will be free for the USER.

This free of charge shall include the necessary expenses incurred to remedy the lack of conformity of the products with the contract, in particular shipping costs, as well as costs related to labor and materials.

b) They will be carried out within a reasonable period of time and without major inconvenience to the user, taking into account the nature of the products and the purpose they had for the USER.

c) The repair suspends the calculation of the periods referred to in article VII. The suspension period will begin when the USER makes the product available to BONDIE SOLUTIONS, SL and will end with the delivery to the USER of the repaired product. During the six months following the delivery of the repaired product, BONDIE SOLUTIONS, SL will be liable for the lack of conformity that led to the repair. It is presumed that the lack of conformity is the same when defects of the same origin as those initially manifested are reproduced in the product.

(d) The replacement suspends the periods referred to in Article VII from the exercise of the option until delivery of the new product. The second paragraph of Article VII shall apply in all cases to the replacement product.

e) If, once the repair has been completed and the product has been delivered, it is still not in compliance with the contract, the USER may demand its replacement, within the limits established in section 2 of article IV, or a reduction in price or termination of the contract under the terms of article V.

f) If the replacement fails to bring the product into conformity with the contract, the USER may demand its repair, within the limits established in section 2 of article IV, or a reduction in price or termination of the contract under the terms of articles V and VI.

g) The USER may not demand replacement in the case of non-fungible products, nor when they are second-hand products.

V) Price reduction and termination of the contract

The price reduction and termination of the contract will be applicable, at the discretion of the USER, when the latter cannot demand the repair or replacement of the product and in cases where these have not been carried out within a reasonable time or without major inconvenience for the USER. Termination will not be applicable when the lack of conformity is of little importance.

VI) Criteria for price reduction

The price reduction will be proportional to the difference between the value that the product would have had at the time of delivery had it been in accordance with the contract and the value that the product actually delivered had at the time of delivery.

VII) Deadlines

1. BONDIE SOLUTIONS, SL is liable for any lack of conformity that becomes apparent within a period of two years from delivery. In the case of second-hand products, BONDIE SOLUTIONS, SL and the USER may agree on a shorter period, which may not be less than one year from delivery.

Unless proven otherwise, any lack of conformity that becomes apparent within six months after the contract is issued shall be presumed to be
upon delivery already existed when the product was delivered, except when this presumption is incompatible with the nature of the product or the nature of the lack of conformity.

2. Unless proven otherwise, delivery is deemed to have taken place on the day indicated on the invoice or purchase label, or on the corresponding delivery note if this is later.

3. The action to claim compliance with the provisions of the previous articles shall expire three years after delivery of the product.

4. The USER must inform BONDIE SOLUTIONS, SL of the lack of conformity within two months of becoming aware of it.

Unless proven otherwise, it will be understood that the USER's communication has taken place within the established period.

VIII) Action against the producer

When it is impossible for the USER or it represents an excessive burden to contact BONDIE SOLUTIONS, SL due to non-compliance of the products with the sales contract, they may make a claim directly to the producer in order to obtain the replacement or repair of the product.

As a general rule, and without prejudice to the producer's liability ceasing within the same time periods and conditions as those established for BONDIE SOLUTIONS, SL, the producer shall be liable for any lack of conformity when this relates to the origin, identity or suitability of the products, in accordance with their nature and purpose and with the regulations that govern them.

Producer means the manufacturer of a product or its importer into the territory of the European Union or any person who presents himself as such by indicating his name, brand or other distinctive sign on the product.

The party responsible to the USER shall have a period of one year to claim liability for the lack of conformity. This period is calculated from the moment the remedy is completed.


These conditions shall be governed or interpreted in accordance with Spanish law in all matters not expressly stated.

Any dispute arising from or related to the use of the website or such contracts shall be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Spanish courts and tribunals that are competent in accordance with current legislation.


The consumer will have the right to withdraw from the contract during a period of 14 calendar days from the date of delivery of the order, taking the delivery date as provided by the transport company. No penalty will be applicable for exercising the right of withdrawal or waiver. To exercise their right of withdrawal, the USER must complete the form that we make available to them: E-COMMERCE. WITHDRAWAL request form (consumer/user) and send it by email to the PROVIDER at the following address: administracion@goaorganics.es.

This form must be sent before the withdrawal period expires (14 days), and the reason for the return must be indicated (defective product or damaged in transport or wrong product). For hygiene reasons, the return will not be processed outside of these scenarios. On the other hand, in the event of withdrawal, the USER must assume the direct cost of the expenses generated by the return and shipment of the products to our establishment. You can also exercise the right of withdrawal by going directly to any of our physical stores, in which case the exercise of the right of withdrawal will not generate any type of expense for the USER.

Conditions Summer Beauty Bag + Scrunchies
Do you have questions about the status of your order?

Don't worry! We know that sometimes shopping can be a bit stressful, but we are here to solve any possible doubts you may have with your Goa Organics purchase 🌈

Promotion dates

The promotion for our Summer Beauty Bag and scrunchies will be active from Thursday, June 27 at 10:30 a.m. until stocks last ☺️

How does the toiletry bag promo work?

For orders over €100, we'll give you a free limited edition Summer Beauty Bag that will automatically come with your order. Whatever the amount, only one will be given away per order. Therefore, if you want more than one, you'll need to place 2 individual orders of +€100.

How does the scrunchies promo work?

When you purchase 1 Must Have routine or 1 Duo Mask routine, 2 scrunchies (1 green and 1 striped) will automatically be added to your order.

How long will my order take?

We know you're dying to receive your hair favorites, but due to high demand for orders, you may experience delays in receiving your package. Please be patient, we assure you that your order will arrive soon. Our shipments during these days can take 48 to 72 hours.

My order has not arrived complete

Due to the high demand for orders, this could happen. But don't worry, we got you! If you find that your order is incomplete, damaged or contains the wrong product, we are very sorry for what happened! You can write to us at any time at hello@goaorganics.es and we will give you a solution as quickly as possible.